Our mission focuses on strategic planning for legal cases (especially matrimonial and sex abuse), and participation in the development of the theory of the case which significantly impacts strategy. The theory of the case is directly related to the case’s governing dynamics. Behavior is predictable, and if behavior is assessed accurately then the course of the case can be fairly predictable. A Template of Case Options, with spelled out costs and time projections, is created with the client. Essentially, this is a “Reality-Based Holistic Model” that is client focused in ways which are novel in the field. We are facilitators. In our experience an involved, proactive client is a better client; and the case process is smoother and more productive if client involvement is encouraged and supported. Clients need to understand the legal concepts of their case in plain language. We also try to educate clients in terms of the thinking style of attorneys, their logic and their cognitive style (how they process information, utilize data, and apply legal concepts to case data). This is critically important in terms of building a platform for collaborative effort between client and attorney. Simply put, a common language of communication between client and attorney is imperative.
We help create and maintain an emotional and intellectual connection between attorney and client which enhances the flow of the case in a myriad of ways, and ultimately helps minimize the pain, anguish and expense of protracted divorces (for all concerned, and especially children). The rhythm of a case, on both sides, is very important to observe and understand. Certain practitioners are expert at “grinding” cases and thwarting closure. We have developed assessment techniques to study and cope with this phenomenon. Clients also need to deal with reasonable expectations and concepts of compromise; all parties have rights and entitlements in these matters. Empathy and clear communication are the ‘orders of the day’ when ‘handling’ matrimonial clients and victims of sex abuse; the healing process is paramount.
Psychological analysis of the mentality of the adversaries and the interactive network of the ‘old boys club’ legal network is another focus of our expertise and work. We bring established psychological expertise to the table: we have prepared witnesses, we have conducted Forensic Psychological evaluations, we have assessed neuropsychological functioning in personal injury cases, we have testified as experts in trial settings (district, supreme, civil, family and federal courts), we have strategized with a variety of attorneys on case planning matters, we have evaluated clients/patients for insurance companies, workman’s compensation boards, and other agencies. We are experts in human behavior, and we have experienced with our patients first hand over wide expanses of time just what it’s like to go through a variety of legal processes and procedures on emotional and financial levels. We also believe in disclosure (when allowable) of any sidebar conferencing and potential deal making between attorneys participating in the case; all too often we have seen incidences where attorneys inadvertently conspire at the client’s expense in order to move the case on, or close it out.
Analysis of the pros and cons of Forensics, law guardian services and accountability, supervised visitation, and custody models are explored. Assessment of emotional harm on psychological levels and neurochemical levels, especially in personal injury and first amendment cases is within our realm of expertise.
We carefully assess the pros and cons of going to trial; a critical no nonsense analysis of costs, risk, and emotional pain is fully studied. Trials are expensive, frustrating, excessively stressful, riddled with risk management issues and unpredictability, and as such should be used as a last resort when all else has been ineffective.
We help prepare clients for Forensic Psychological Testing and Assessment, testimony, court appearance, and four way conferencing. Cognitive functioning deteriorates under emotionally charged conditions, and we have developed methods and techniques to help clients maintain their emotional and intellectual balance in these varied environments which include role playing, behavioral rehearsal, self-monitoring, visualization and relaxation training, meditation, desensitization training, and journaling.
We provide referral services for medication, psychotherapy, psycho-educational evaluation and/or placement, psychological testing. The stress of divorce and other legal matters frequently necessitates referral for ancillary services. We have built a network of excellent referral sources in the fields of Psychiatry, Clinical Psychology, Psychological Testing and Assessment, Psycho-Educational Testing and Assessment, Special Education Law and School Placement, Forensic Accounting, Neurology, Internal & Adolescent Medicine, Exercise Physiology, and Nutritional Counseling.
Lastly, we believe that our services will enhance the quality of the lawyer/client relationship, and enable lawyers to ‘free up time,’ streamline case management, and move on to other client challenges enabling lawyers to focus more precisely on the legal issues per se. Our mission and services are solution driven!
A retainer is mutually established between the client and firm for all consultation, referral services, and educational/training services; precise monthly time log and invoices delivered in a timely manner and explanation of the billing process will be made clear to the client with regard to telecom conferencing, research, report writing, conferencing, travel time, and direct training and preparation.
This service needs to be ‘productized.’ A ROI (return on investment) analysis needs to be accomplished. ROI refers to benefits minus cost divided by cost which yields true value. The service also needs to be quantified, and a metrics analysis is indicated which assesses: client capture ‘rate,’ client management, and client retention. Eventually we intend to create a prototype of the program, and a franchise paradigm with certified training and practice modules for forensic psychologists and clinicians throughout the country.
Christopher Bayer, Ph.D.
26 Berry Hill Road, Syosset, NY 11791 & 1324 Lexington Avenue, Suite 225, New York, NY 10128
516.921.3899 (Nassau County office)
Mobile: 516.330.6051
Certificate of Specialization in Psychotherapy & Psychoanalysis, NYU Postdoctoral Program, 1986